G20前夕 美國國務院發文要求北京釋放709受難者
|【博聞社】中國於去(2015)年7月9日,對人權律師、人權運動及異議人士進行大規模逮捕行動,引舉世震驚。其中北京鋒銳事務所4名律師遭控「顛覆國家政權罪」,今年8月2日起於天津市第二中級人民法院進行「特定媒體鏡頭前的公開審理」,在家人未旁聽下、多人照稿唸認罪聲明,並遭判刑。對此,美國國務院媒體關係辦公室主任杜魯道(Elizabeth Trudeau)8日發表聲明呼籲中國釋放遭監禁或拘留的律師、維權人士及已遭判刑者,並立即撤案,全文及原文如下:
Last week, a Chinese court convicted prominent human rights attorney Zhou Shifeng, director of the Fengrui law firm, and activists Hu Shigen, Zhai Yanmin, and Gou Hongguo of the apparently politically motivated charge of “subversion of state power.” More than a dozen other attorneys and activists detained on and around July 9, 2015, including Li Heping, remain in pretrial detention without access to their families or to legal counsel of their own choosing.
This campaign undermines China’s development of a judicial system that respects the rule of law. We urge Chinese authorities to release the lawyers and rights defenders who are imprisoned or in detention, including those already sentenced. We call for an immediate end to the cases brought against them and to restrictions on their freedom of movement and professional activities.