
**FILE** Outgoing White House Chef Walter Scheib, center, greets chefs from around the world at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels, Md. in this July 27, 2004 file photo. Right now, the Bush administration is surely being lobbied as never before, and just not over the budget, Social Security or foreign policy. After nearly 11 years of cooking for two presidents, Scheib has packed up the Cuisinart and left the kitchen at America's most famous house to pursue new opportunities. The search for a replacement is on, but not just any cook will do. (AP Photo/Matt Houston, Files)

【博闻社编译】本周日,前白宫总厨Walter Scheib的尸体在新墨西哥州被发现。当局称, Scheib上上周六在陶斯滑雪谷一个不熟悉的地方徒步旅行时失踪。上周二,人们在新墨西哥州Yerba峡谷附近停车场发现了Scheib的汽车。上周三,在Scheib失踪五天后,搜救行动开始进行。山区有些地方仍有积雪,天气情况也不佳,志愿搜索人员有的骑马,有的带着狗,有些甚至徒步搜索。警察的直升机也参加搜索,但因林区树木太密,视野大受影响。搜索队伍最终在离登山小路20到30英尺远的河里发现 Scheib的尸体。

Scheib最近刚从佛罗里达州搬到新墨西哥州。Scheib从1994年到2005年担任白宫总厨,他是被当时第一夫人希拉里·克林顿亲自聘用。本周一, 前第一夫人劳拉•布什发表声明对Scheib家人表达慰问: “Walter是一个杰出的人才。他为世界各国领导人准备华丽的晚宴, 为我们的家人和朋友制作美味的家庭餐。”

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